Sunday, May 2, 2010

Procrastination part 2 & Zelia's Birthday!

I told you i could'nt stop doing it! Though procrastination was not as bad as yesterday. I managed to complete 3 A/E Math question in 3 hours! That terribly sounds like a great achievement, but its not!
Today, I had a refreshing breakfast at Subway, after all, its cookies never fail to make me smile from ear to ear. I then went to Popular and looked at a book with an intriguing title of 'Your Management Sucks!' and as i browsed through its first few pages, I chanced upon this sentence that mentioned 'Why you should declare war on yourself.' Which i thought to be really useful quote to combat procrastination.
I went home and took two long ours to convince myself to initiate my study plan, which turned out to be much of a failure. As mentioned above, I completed 3 questions which took me about 3hours because I forgot many concepts that i did'nt bother to relook during my free time. I guess this means i need to work harder. Otherwise I wont improve and that is certainly not the scenario i would like to anticipate in the future.
I stopped writing on foolscap paper after the clock had struck half past five. It was time to me to bathe and dress up for an occasion that i never knew until grandma alerted me the day before. It was my cousin's twentieth birthday! We celebrated this annual event at a familiar restaurant that served great food and services. I thought the food, for example the Kang Kong or the delicious cold crab was really something we should always sink our teeth into if given the chance!
After the magnificent, mouth-watering dinner, We had desert and of course who could forget the birthday cake! This time, It was an ice-cream cake. It has been so long since i had ice-cream inside my mouth. We took alot of photos at the restaurant, with a DSLR camera that i longed to have, and also a instant photo camera that produced amazing photos!
After the event, we headed home and I was too tired to stay awake during the car ride back. I slept without much disturbance and woke up when we reached our destination. I hung around at my cousin's place and finally headed home. It was already 10.45pm by then, when i remembered that i have barely even touched my homework.
Perhaps i need to stop doing this self proclaimed sin and start doing the things that I should be doing, such as finishing my homework on schedule and revising during the free time! This habit is getting on my nerves day by day and i long for it to be gone one day.

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