Friday, April 30, 2010

Chinese examinations and Konzert de Amicitia.

For one of the first times in my life after primary four, I am proud to be able to boast about being able to read or at the very least understand what the open ended passages were trying to say! Although the chances of me passing is still as low, I am quite elated to be able to at least read! Finally after all those years of never being able to read is gone and i hope to continue this and improve my chinese.

With that said, I would like to move on to the more important item of the day, which was the Konzert de Amicitia held in school which in italian meant Concert of Friendship or something like that. Although I was there just to give mutual support to my friends who are performing and get a quick escape from the hush and rush of Mid-Year Examinations, I thought it was a truly memorable night as I had fulfilled most of my intentions i had in mind - Socializing and de-stressing.

It has been a very long time since i stayed back in school till the wee hours of the night! It almost felt nostalgic as i remembered the new beginnings as fresh secondary one students in our pale white orientation camp t-shirt parading and crowding throughout the LRT station.
But that aside, with the event over, it only means one thing to overcome now...

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