Thursday, July 1, 2010


As time passes, yet another saga is unfolded in my life. Through this saga, i have learnt that humans are all a flaw in each other's unique way. I have also come to realise that mistakes are unlimited and it is only through these mistakes shall we learn the true meaning of life - something so significant, yet at other times so meaningless.

This time, my mistake of not acknowledging one's existence has destroyed a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a new friend. Also, I have made people disappointed and dishearted by my behavior on that particular day. I guess this little lesson has taught me that under any circumstances, we shouldn't ignore people to the point where they would feel neglected and unwanted. I was wrong in this sense because I didn't even attempt to strike a conversation with a newly met friend. Instead, all i did was to try to walk away from the situation as though i was giving up. I guess that scenario would make more people turn to have a bad impression of me now.
This lesson has made me aware that humans under desperate conditions will become selfish and only care about their own feelings and survival. Friends become just another commonly used term and you become oblivious of their feelings. It pains me to know that I might never get to see that friend again, but i am in no position to change the fact that I have displayed such an incorrigible behavior in my friends presence.
Should I ever let bygones be bygones? If i should ever do that, my friends will still not have a good impression of me. After all, people usually say that one will not remember the thousands of good deeds that you have done for them but instead will forever etch in their heart the one heinous crime or mistake that you have committed that have left them in shock or disappointment.
Only till now do i realize that my attitude is such a lackluster to my social life. Should i change based on feedback from this recent saga? Or should I not change and remain being myself? As i have once heard from a friend, there is no failure but only feedback. I need to capture this opportunity to make myself a better more likeable person. I guess life truly has it's up and downs regardless of who we are. I haven't disappointed or made a friend furious for a long time and I guess this is what I should have already foreseen.
Although it doesn't really seem sincere that I apologize in my blog, but I'd fear that I might not ever have the chance to meet this friend again. Thus, I conclude the end of this post by sincerely apologizing to this special friend of mine. I hope you readers will consider apologizing to whoever you may have offended in the past few days if you are in such a plight like that of mine.
It is hard for me to move on and not dwell about such a problem that i knew existed for so long but never bothered to change.
But I guess things still need to move on and I have to juggle this problem with other struggles in my own life.

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