Friday, June 18, 2010


It has come to my concern that i have not been treasuring my time like i treasure money. The famous yet nonsensical equation goes " Time = Money ". If this hypothesis was true, I would be spending money like a rich spendthrift. However, as time slowly seeps closer to one of the few most important events of the year, I am slowly losing the ability to be a spendthrift like i recently am in the June holidays. I may be very relaxed now but when i do not have time, I would become really stressed up, worried and definitely scared. All these little worries would result in a recipe for disaster, so it really isn't wise for me to be the aforementioned 'spendthrift' now.

Still, I am very lost of what i am to do to solve this problem. I have been trying to think of ways to balance my hobbies of running and playing the yo-yo with my studies but still, it never ends off very well. I can cook up a schedule to follow, but that only means that i will lead a life of discipline and restricted freedom. It will be very monotonous life and that is really something i want to avoid. So how should I actually tackle the long existed problem? I guess for now i will try this method of prioritizing what is more important at certain periods of the year. Perhaps focusing on yo-yo when there is a competition and study harder when it is during school time. Will it work? I don't know. But isn't it infinitely better to try than to wonder? The 'never try never know' philosophy has been my motivation for my academics for a very long time and it never fails to impress me with what this small little quote can do to change our lives.
It is only until now that i realised the enormity of my crime of procrastination, when I finally piled up the work i have neglected for so long. So in this final week, I have to put my brains to work by piling up foolscap pads and question papers and just keep doing and doing. After that I will still need to look for information so i can write out biographies. It is quite sad that I have to be doing this but I guess it is a consequence that I have to face for being so relaxed in the past three weeks. It almost seemed like the three weeks that have passed seemed more like five days.
My new aim for this new term would be to try juggling yo-yo playing and studies, at the same time excelling in both. This takes pretty strict and accurate judgement of what you should do and what you should not. In short, lets just call this practice prioritizing. It may seem like much an easy word to read and understand, but the whole process brings extreme challenges to your mind. I know, all these proclamation about what I am going to do and how I am going to do it may seem very effective and I might sound like the next scholar-to-be, However, whatever i write here are just words. As two phrases that have been in often times would go to say - Action speaks louder than words, and things are easier said than done. These two sentences, although used daily in life are sentences not to be underestimated. Often times, people just hear of it and neglect its true meaning behind the sentence. I for one has been like that in the past. Now i truly know how it is like to have action speak louder than my words.
I'm not sure how I will be going to initiate this little self project of mine when school officially starts again, and furthermore don't even know if it will be successful. However i'd rather try than not attempt right? I'm trying to finalize my plan before school starts and I'll have to put my faith into myself and start building a strong foundation, so at least when there's an earthquake(exam) i won't topple easily. I hear my friends always saying that exams are bad, exams make me so sad and everything but lets face it. Have we ever prioritized our time properly such that we will produce a result that we actually desire? I know I haven't because I had always overestimated my abilities and underestimated examination standards in a neighbourhood secondary school like mine. Mrs Ali once told me this when I had consulted her about how I can go about improving myself . She said : ''You're an underachiever, Yao Kun.'' On that very day, this sentence that only consisted of five words brightened up my day and gave my life a whole new meaning and purpose. Perhaps prioritizing needs a generous amount of external and self motivation so that we will be more willing to prioritize what we are supposed to do rather than what we are not supposed to do.
Sure, everyone has different things to do. But when we are supposed to do them is a crucial factor to success in what you want to excel in. Thus time management is a really important value that we have to practice for this to happen. If you are able to practice this correctly, you will get the benefit of excelling in many different hobbies at once as well as studies. This is the real reason why I hope to be able to prioritize. Thus, prioritizing determines pretty much how we become great successes in life and that is exactly what i wish for. I hope this plan will be a success and I will not write something like that again to contemplate about past issues of time managing and promise myself yet again that i will do this and that and end up only lying to myself. I'd like to end this post by wishing myself good luck to my plan and anyone else who is inspired to do the same after reading this post. I hope all of you all the best and I hope i will do my best in prioritizing and not disappoint myself again.

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