Friday, June 11, 2010


Recently, I have painstakingly rejected any program/event/meeting that people had invited me into. It wasn't easy, but sometimes in life you have to relinquish one thing for another, right? In fact, this applies to almost everything that you do in life - sacrifice to gain. So why did i sacrifice time that was supposed to be spent with my schoolmates? Well, simple. I had more important things to do. Although Ms Lo, the HOD of the Humanities department in my school would counter argue that everything in life is important. I guess my reason to explain things is just all wrong because I have nothing in my arsenal to argue back at the fact that Ms Lo pointed out.
What's more important than friends you ask? Well, nothing. I had asked for only a temporary retreat out of my social life. So technically friends are still the most important things in life, because i believe no one can achieve or accomplish something without the help of others.
Lets get straight to the point - I'm participating in the Singapore Yo-Yo Contest. Well some of you, after seeing this might go " EEW, WHAT KIND OF A CONTEST IS A YO-YO CONTEST?'' in your mind, well I have nothing to say. It is quite common to hear such reactions from people saying things like '' oh, you play the yo-yo? the spool that is attached to the string that goes up and down?'' Well many people has never seen the likes of modern yo-yoing. It is much more complex and is something unique to do as a hobby. If your definition of a yo-yo is the aforementioned spool on a string, go check out some videos that are easily available on video streaming websites.
This year, 2010, is my third year in attempt to qualify at the national contest. The 2nd biggest yo-yo contest held by 'Spinworkx', the group that has helped us in any way possible to become what we are today. I just wish that everything will go smooth and I will not disappoint those that have given me their good lucks and best wishes. I will try my best.
Meanwhile, I need to get some rest. Sorry if my posts are boring or mundane recently. I will come up with better posts soon enough. Probably about the aftermath of the event :)

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