Saturday, June 12, 2010

A letter to Ms Crowhurst.

Dear Ms Crowhurst,
It has been quite a terrible week for me. Everything seemed to go wrong. And to top it off, I had forgotten to do the work you had assigned to us a few days ago. I am writing this to perhaps try to apologize and hopefully convince you that I am sincere about my apology by stating reasons of failing to do my work as assigned by you.
Yes, It is extremely irresponsible of me to not do my homework and write a letter to your regarding my plight. Yet I can blame nobody except myself. First off, I had forgotten to compile a list of all my assignments during the holidays. It is a crucial mistake that i will never commit again. Because of the lack of a task list, I was not able to check what I have done and what I have not. This reason is entirely my own fault because i have failed as a student to properly assign myself to different homeworks to be done before the deadline.
Perhaps another reason I would like to highlight is that my family and I have recently been on a holiday excursion to Hokkaido, in the northern part of Japan. While you might say that this excuse is totally redundant, It isn't. My family had forbidden me to bring any books abroad as they thought it was completely nonsensical to be bringing books to study in a country that we would be enjoy, although I would argue that it is diligence in a pupil that matters. It isn't about where we are going and why. Still, they did not regard my reason as valid and thus I wasn't able to have enough time to complete my assignment.
Also, when I was back from my excursion, I was asked to participate in various Cross-Country events around. Although I did the school proud of winning two out of four of the races, It has severely drained me of my energy to move, yet alone walk or hold a pen to write. I needed time to recuperate, but it was something that I was already lacking at that time. I tried to complete certain parts of homework but to no avail. If only I had rejected the races, only then will I be able to be on task and on time. Now, I feel so remorseful for neglecting my homework for races.
I hope these reasons are valid in your perspective, Ms Crowhurst. It may be just a writing full of excuses, but I have no other forms to show my remorse about not being able to complete my homework. It isn't as if I do that all the time, so I wish that you would give me another chance. Please forgive me.


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