Monday, June 7, 2010

An inspiration to write about inspirations.

What an intriguing title huh?
Today, I had an Idea of writing about recent people that have inspired me to do better academically, as well as many other things I have to juggle in life. Perhaps many of you would question why I like to write so much jargon to thank people in my blog. I have reasons. For one, I think I am quite a keyboard warrior. I dare not speak up in reality and I can talk about lots of nonsense on the net. Secondly, I really appreciate the effort that these people have given to help me improve and upgrade myself towards a better future. Don't worry, If I didn't mention some names, just know that I'd like to thank you too :)
Let's start with the names I have been wanting to write about for the longest time.
Why teachers? Don't they always pester you to hand in homeworks? Don't they always assign so much homework that you feel like your head is going to explode? Furthermore , One of Albert Einstein's quotes even mentioned this :
"the worst thing seems to be for a school principally to work with methods of fear, force, and artificial authority."
So why would I even want to thank the teachers? Well, one of the answers would still be derived from another of how a Gymnasium made Einstein so successful - the Gymnasium had a positive affect on Einstein's life. It taught him to question and to doubt, valuable qualities of a scientist. His attitude of not caring about the accepted beliefs developed during his stay at the Gymnasium. Although he detested discipline, under his guard, he was taught self-discipline, single-minded determination, and dedication to an ideal.
Don't you agree with the above sentence? Although the teachers on certain days might singlehandedly spoil your mood, they have also helped us in various ways. Developing of our self confidence, lending us their helping hands when we are in doubt or trouble, consoling us during our worst times. I believe these are what make us what we are today, and perhaps the leaders of tomorrow. Teachers have helped me in thousands of different ways, and there are no sentences or words to ever describe how much I would like to thank them. Perhaps it is like owing my life tenfold to them. I am truly inspired and aspire to be such academical successes like them one day.
Here is a shout out to FRIENDS!
Of course, who would forget the many friends that have accompanied me through late nights, chatting in online messengers and talking to me out of the virtual world. I sincerely believe that life wouldn't be life without friends. Be it old or new, I think bonds are not strengthened with the passing of time. Instead, I think they are created through quality efforts by both parties to have a desire to learn more about each other. For example, like in the previous post, I mentioned having the best time of my life in the famine camp. How many days did i spend? Less than two days! Thus this proves my perspective of my own hypothesis about friends. These people give me a lot of inspiration to do well better, namely Jolene, Theodore and De Sheng who are all in Raffles Junior College whom I had all just met in the famine camp. They gave me the inspiration and encouraged me to study and succeed like them even when I had asked for zero tips or help at all. Of course, those are not all of the friends I am going to credit in this post. I just want to sway away from school friends because it may create a false impression on many people. Credits will be free for anyone to claim if you have survived up to this part of my writing.
Lastly, a shout out to Associate Professor Sow Chorng Haur!
Ever since I have attended the physics camp today, I have been becoming so much interested in getting myself a good education and do all sorts of weird yet cool stuff in labs. Just for the fun of it. Perhaps one day I'd like to say this to my students like what Associate Professor Sow Chorng Haur told us today during a physics lecture in the National University of Singapore(NUS) He said this : " Haha, I expected all of your reactions to be so shocked. Just throw in some scientific jargon and It all becomes so complicated." Maybe this was not what he said word to word, but It is probably somewhere along the lines. He has made me so much more interested in nano-science and it makes me want to explore the art of nano science further in the future. Perhaps when I have achieved what I need to get to become as much of a success as him. What a funny person and Inspirational nano-physicist(did i say that right?)
I guess Inspiration is a big part of how I am going to change my life by myself. Not with others trying to force me. Not with curfews and deadlines. Just free and easy and no worries. I'd need to learn how to apply this time around. Failing so many attempts makes attempting to apply riskier as time becomes shorter.
With that, I'd like to conclude my very long essay jargon on the title ' An inspiration to write about inspirations' Perhaps I may not have mentioned your name, but fret not. It is for you. :)

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