Monday, May 24, 2010

Remorse? None of that sort.

Today is a great day.
Blue skies that are of awe to our eyes, little birds soaring the great skies beyond what we can reach and perhaps seeing different faces that depicts people's feelings in their minds. However, how do you define great? Great can be used for an incredibly bad influence. For example, having a great impact in your life. Today, I would like to talk about this great impact.
Yes - If we could just have a little self-motivation everyday, every second of the day you spend can be meaningful. However, sometimes due to Murphy's Law, we get the exact opposite of that meaningful day.
Today is one such day. You can be happy if you just be happy with what you have. You can also be sad if you have set your targets too high or perhaps cannot forgive yourself for achieving low grades. Comparing with your classmates and maybe the entire cohord may be a bad idea because you will develop feelings worse than what you had.
Yup, if you guessed it, thats right. We had a chance to get a glimpse of our final score that will appear in our report book. I guess I didn't quite expect my results, but hey, what gives? Nothing we do will change our results, and nothing we do will turn us back in time to do anything supernatural. I have observed from a social networking site that many people are feeling really sad, really depressed, and really want to murder themselves because they felt that they have not worked their best. They feel that there is nobody to blame but themselves. I have had this feeling for ages. It is not that I don't feel such emotions because I am immune to it. I am trying to suppress this feeling so that I can lead a happier day, everyday, twenty four hours per day. I think it is quite useless to actually be remorseful. We have to continue running down the track even though we feel down or dejected. Mid Year exams are just a small little pebble towards our goal that may be two hundred and seventy five times bigger - maybe like the iceberg that sank the Titanic. Are all of you sad little souls trying to tell me this small pebble is going to sink you into eternity?
I think we shouldn't be remorseful in any way. We feel remorseful, we still have to get on with life. We don't feel remorseful, we still have to get on with life. So what better but to make things happier everyday but getting rid of that feeling? Besides, everyone knows both a frown and a smile are contagious. Would you like to share your joy to everyone? Or would you prefer to tell everyone that you did badly and make them reflect that they themselves did badly and in turn create TWO sad faces? I'd leave this question to be answered by YOU. Yes YOU.
I'd be turning in now. Good night and I wish that you would smile after reading this post.

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