Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I am extremely appalled by the results that were announced today. I don't really know how to react, because I am stuck in this Catch-22 situation where i do not know which side of the story to support.
Should I be disappointed? Definitely. I didn't score very well for Chinese. I achieved a D7.For Physics, although results are not fully out yet, I foresee a very miserable score because I didn't recall any similar answers when the teacher discussed the open ended questions during lesson.
Should I celebrate or be happy about my score? Definitely. So far, I have not failed any subjects except for Chinese paper 2. My Chinese composition was quite well done in my own standards because i have broken my personal best of 40/70. I improved from a C6 to a B3 for Amaths. All these are highlights that I am quite happy and would keep me much more mentally stable.
Then again as students studying in the Singapore Education System, we should always yearn for more and not be satisfied with what we have. I think this factor certainly increases the number of people dissapointed with their results. I guess I am happy but not very satisfied.
I pity many students who unlike me, have to face their parents, their frowning faces and their blizzard of verbal arrows. Believe me, this is exactly what I call '' Adding insult to injury ''. Many people did badly. Many people did not score their favourable marks. Many people are dejected and feel like killing themselves over a piece of paper.
I think people have to reconsider whether they should be sad or just move on in life. What, students lives revolve around just exams? Certainly not. I sincerely believe that each and every student have tried their best and put in their finest effort to try to do their best. Be it last minute work or being consistent workers.
But why is it that people still do badly? In the past, I was often lost because of this question. But now, I think its just trial and error. If we do badly, It never is lack of effort. However, It is just utilizing wrong methods to study. Everyone has a different way of studying and everyone must spend their time trying and deciding which study style is the best for them.
Many people are blaming teachers. What for? Often times, I feel for them because they are trying to educate future leaders of Singapore. However as much as they try, their students would not produce result. Of course the teachers would feel a stab in their heart! Definitely will they be pissed and vent their anger through having to discipline the class a little. No wait, it isn't even discipline. Its just a fair bit of criticism. Some teachers are very straightforward. They just spoil your day by telling you your results the first thing on a beautiful Monday morning. However, being angry with the teacher does not pull your grades to a distinction! Does it? Well, I think that the teachers don't deserve such pent up hatred from the students. I think its just too mean.
I guess that concludes what I have to share for Mid-Year Exams. It was of course an experience never to forget. Being the first major exam in upper secondary levels, I guess people should just absorb the blow, however deep it is. Forgive, forget, and regain momentum. After all, whats most important isn't the Mid-Year exams. Heck, It isn't even the End-Of-Year Exams. It is for obvious reasons the 'O' Levels.
I wish all of you readers the best of luck. I would like to finish my blog entry with a famous quote many of you all would have come across.
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Thomas A. Edison

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